The Solar International Girls Cup 2025 is a five (5) day tournament beginning Wednesday, April 16th. We strive to give every team in the Solar International Girls Cup equal amounts of rest between games. We also schedule to have teams play only one game per day until the knockout rounds which teams that make it to the finals may play two games on one day. With that in mind ALL teams need to be prepared to play as early as 8am the morning of Wednesday, April 13th. There can be NO EXCEPTIONS to this due to the number of teams in the tournament, scheduling, and travel requirements.
Sunday games may end as late as 5pm, provided there are no weather delays. Please plan flights accordingly for a game ending as late as 5pm. Please remember that the unique structure of the Solar International Girls Cup event playoffs provides for multiple finals games per age group. 25% of the teams will be playing in finals games, so it is best to plan on your team making it!
Teams will have the opportunity to reserve practice space on the Tuesday before the tournament. Reservations will be required and will be accepted beginning no later than April 1st.
Yes, for all 3 group round games. Once we enter Quarter-Finals and beyond, there is no way to manage this. In order to keep coaches out of conflict, they must be listed in GotSport as the Head Coach of all teams with their first and last names spelled exactly the same. This is how GotSport software identifies any conflict situations.
The tournament committee takes great care in seeding and bracketing. Your team’s recent game history will be researched, and we also request that you complete the Seeding Request Form available under the “Tournament Forms | Rules” section by February 1st. Each team coach and manager will receive further information once the bracketing process begins.
Approximately 7-10 days after registration closes.
Schedules will be released approximately 10-14 days prior to the event start date.
Part of what makes the Solar International Girls Cup so special is not only the strength of the participating teams but also the geographic variety. The tournament committee does factor in team location in bracketing attempting to ensure that all 3 group round games are against new opponents. In submitting your team’s seeding request form, you are encouraged to list any participating teams whom you have faced within the last 2-3 months.
We do our best to prevent additional fees, like gate and/or parking, at the Solar International Girls Cup. We have been successful in not charging for these items in the past with other events, but we cannot commit to this every year. If this year’s tournament requires an additional gate fee and/or parking fee, we will communicate it immediately.
Yes…team benches and shade structures will be provided on game day.
Yes…spectators are allowed to bring tents however staking tents into the ground is not allowed. You must use weights to secure your tent. (The spectator tents must not visually impede the viewing of any of the games.)
Tuesday arrival is most appropriate. Specifically, early Tuesday if possible. In addition to all tournament games beginning Wednesday morning, the Official Solar International Girls Cup Kickoff begins on Tuesday and will include activities like an opening celebration.
Yes. When cities provide top notch facilities such as McKinney Soccer Complex at Craig Ranch, they do so because they see positive economic impact from visitors traveling in for a tournament, and that impact must be measurable. Measurements are achieved through the booking of hotels by the teams. The city has access to tournament records as well as exact hotel bookings per team and will force us to remove any team not showing the minimum required rooms booked through the U90C travel partners. Each registered travel team is required to book a minimum of 10 hotel rooms per team, for the duration of the event. Please be sure that this is acceptable to your team prior to registering for the International Girls Cup.
Yes, travel and registration fee insurance is available when booking your individual hotel reservation through HBC. This plan has a “Cancel for Any Reason” benefit that will protect 75% of your non-refundable hotel booking and event registration costs for only $37.15 (based on a 4-night stay.) Book your hotel reservation and select YES to add the Travel Protection Plan and protect your trip.
No. U90C does not allow the contracted hotels to charge rates higher than their rates offered directly by the hotel. We also seek out and contract first with hotels providing certain things beneficial to soccer teams, such as free breakfast, a pool, make every attempt to give teams their rooms close together, etc.
All teams traveling greater than 75-miles from McKinney Soccer Complex at Craig Ranch will be required to book through our travel partner. Tournament hotels can be accessed on the Solar International Girls Cup website via the TRAVEL page / links. DO NOT book directly through the hotel, through an online discount travel website, or book a hotel outside of our partnered hotels. Tournament Hotels are typically open for booking by September 1st.
All Solar International Girls Cup hotel rooms must be reserved before your team will be accepted to the tournament. If you have questions about hotel booking, please contact info@u90c.com.
No. As currently contracted hotels run out of rooms, our travel partners add more. Your team is welcome to email or call to ask for the exact hotel you would like or provide a description of your team’s needs, and the travel company will work to arrange this for you. Contact HBC directly at 505-346-0522 x130
There is an unlimited number of guest players allowed in the Solar International Girls Cup event, provided total rostered players plus guests does not exceed the roster maximum listed under the Game Format Matrix.
To participate in the Soalr International Girls Cup, U.S. teams must have proof of registration with any U.S. Soccer Affiliate. Because various states and countries have very different roster structures, player cards, etc.… at these ages we will accept the format used in your local area (paper roster signed by the US Soccer affiliate registrar). This is uploaded during the registration process to the tournament. Referees will be checking the approved rosters/virtual Player Cards) to verify player photos before the start of each game, so every participating player (to include guests) must be properly loaded into GotSport with his/her photo and jersey number. There are instructions for all check-in, GotSport, and guest player functions in the “Tournament Forms | Rules | Check-In” section (under the “CLUBHOUSE” dropdown menu). For any questions on rosters or check-in documents, please email Info@u90c.com.
Rosters are due at registration. Rosters will be locked as teams are checked in. Your team may make changes to your roster up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the tournament by emailing Info@u90c.com.
Game day rosters will appear blank until they have been approved and locked by the tournament committee. For any questions on rosters or check-in documents, please email Info@u90c.com.
There are step by step instructions for this under the “Tournament Forms | Rules | Check-In” section of the website: https://internationalgirlscuptexas/forms-rules/
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